Family celebrations and traditions are important to keep the young grounded.
In a world that is so fast changing, and not always for the best, it is important to remember cultural and family traditions and rituals. Time with family and friends enjoying the simple things in life are what really matter. It is so important to the next generation that these rituals, as well as traditional recipes, are passed on lest we forget who we are and where we came from. In a fast changing world I am keen to hold on to important family and cultural traditions and celebrations.
By passing on family history and recipes we give children a feeling of their own uniqueness and identity, and ideals of their society which are important in a modern world that values materialism, technology, and television and celebrity culture.
Western culture has travelled the world and is seen as a modern life to aspire to; but all too recently we have seen that consumerism has taken a fall: The markets in the West are in debt and overindulgence has resulted in modern diseases such as obesity. The break-up of families and alarming divorce rates causes pain to all. The reason that western culture has spread so fast and so easily is partly due to the fact that over 50 percent of the world’s population speaks English as a first or second language. This is partly because English is one of the very easiest of all languages to learn. By contrast, French is more difficult as every object is either masculine or feminine. Hollywood too is essential for marketing American culture as a dream lifestyle to the young, and passes on values of an exciting lifestyle to aspire to. This view of modern life can often seem wonderful but it is far from reality.
It is important to enjoy the real special moments in life such as cooking with the family, simple traditional dishes passed on from mother to daughter and to sit down and enjoy a meal as a family. I do make the best Irish stew in the world according to my children and it is a recipe passed down to me from my mother and grandmother and it always reminds me of good times gone by as I prepare it. Arabic culture is one of hospitality and in the past I have enjoyed meeting the Bedouin in the desert with my family sharing dates and sweet tea. This was a wonderful experience for my family of another culture, a calm peaceful way of life and a show of kindness to strangers.
Birthdays and festivals are a great time to enjoy with loved ones: The simple pleasures of life are the times that children enjoy and remember. Also, as much as possible, taking the time to plan and make simple specials dishes with which to celebrate. It is always important as food plays a part in our earliest memories and we want our children to remember food prepared with love. And even if a home baked cake does not look as perfect as a shop bought one it definitely tastes and smells so much better. Just the planning and preparation of the food creates an atmosphere of anticipation in the home, which is almost as exciting for the child as the actual birthday party or celebration. It is always worth making the effort.
Healthy Recipe of the Week
Sponge Cake
Every mother should be able to make a sponge cake and this is a very easy recipe. You can serve it plain sandwiched with jam to make a Victoria sponge cake, or fill with buttercream for a birthday cake.
Serves: 8
225g (8 oz.) self-raising flour
225g (8 oz) butter, at room temperature
225g (8 oz) caster sugar
4 eggs
1 teaspoon baking powder
Preparation method
1. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees C / gas mark 4.
2. Measure all the ingredients into a large bowl.
3. Mix all of the ingredients using an electric whisk.
4. Pour the mixture into 2 non-stick 7 inch (18cm) tins.
5. Place them in the oven till golden brown 15-25 minutes.
6. Cool on a wire rack before serving.
Prep: 20 mins. Cook: 25 mins.
Ask Alva
What is physical activity? My doctor has asked me to do it but at 120 kilos I am not sure where to start.
— Hammed
Physical activity is anything that gets you moving and your heart rate up. It could be something as simple as a regular evening walk. Because of your weight you need to start gently but the key is to do something every day. E-mail me at for a copy of my bed exercises, as for someone heavy it is important to start safely. Also try and walk every evening. We all have to start somewhere and just a little exercise will improve your health and circulation if done every day!
— Alva