Creative Thinking: Limits are only in your mind

Creative Thinking: Limits are only in your mind
Updated 06 June 2012

Creative Thinking: Limits are only in your mind

Creative Thinking: Limits are only in your mind

I have always wondered if it's really possible to overcome our limits. I have often written on this subject but, as usual, finding a “final answer” is not so easy. Actually, I wonder if we can “ever” reach a final answer to any of our personal doubts about our life, our behaviors, our thoughts and feelings.
Experiencing life instant by instant is a true adventure, if we decide to consider it as such. In order to do this we need to be aware. Awareness means to have knowledge of something, to have the consciousness of what is going on around you or of what you are actually experiencing.
You might say, “What's the big deal? Of course I know.” Do you really? Do you believe that you truly “know” what is going on in a certain situation, when what you do is just considering it from your point of you? It would be like looking at a rainbow and see only one specific color, either red or yellow, or purple... If all the other colors are invisible to you, can you honestly believe that what you are seeing is a rainbow? Same thing with your experiencing the world. You interact with a person and say, “He (or she) is stubborn, — or petty, or jealous...” Judging and labeling is always the wrong way to look at the world because it shows you what “appears” (to you) and not what “is.”
When you become capable of seeing things from a broader perspective, you also perceive your achievements and failures in a different way. If, before, you looked at a certain result that you were unable to achieve to the extent you wanted, you were brought to believe that — in spite of your good will and effort — not everything is possible.
On the other hand, if you think of a circus acrobat who is capable of carrying out unbelievable performances, you start doubting again. You wonder if what you believed to be the only truth, it actually isn't. It may be a partial truth, a temporary truth, a one-sided truth, but not the absolute TRUTH.
So... you say, “Is it the outside world or is it me?” The acrobat reaches outstanding results with great patience, commitment, sacrifice, trust. Most of all, he believes in himself, in his skill, in his capability to achieve the goal he is aiming at. He never gives us, he never loses sight of his target, he never loses faith in the goodness of his endeavor. He knows that his effort is worthwhile and that it will yield its fruit in due time. Is he aware of his true strength? Yes, he is! Did he label himself as incapable after failing at first? No, he didn't.
What about you? How do you feel about yourself? How strong are you? How easily can you be disappointed, defeated by a failure? You often feel you are struggling against forces that are beyond your power. But this is not true. It might happen that at times there are situations beyond your control, but this does not happen as often as you believe it does.
Usually, YOU are in control, of what is happening in YOUR life. Memorize, remember and keep reminding yourself of what the famous Latin poet Virgil wrote: “We can, if we believe we can”. Identify what you believe to be your limits and overcome them. Positive thoughts, faith, beliefs can create a truly new reality for you, for all of us, provided everyone is willing to accept them as the “guide” to be followed, as the “voice” to be listened to.
Saudi English instructor and published author (in Italy), is a long-time scholar of positive thinking.