Dubai’s loss of charm!

Dubai’s loss of charm!
Updated 17 June 2012

Dubai’s loss of charm!

Dubai’s loss of charm!

Many Saudis are talking about Dubai’s loss of attraction to families. This is not a final judgment, but the chat is worth a hearing. I suppose there was a huge reason behind this. The suggested reason is Saudi media.
Saudi media followed the booming era of Dubai and focused a great deal on modeling it. Thousands of Saudis went to see and found that this city is running after some difference. Now, the new Saudis who go to see Dubai do not find it astonishing as it used to be. They even believe that the same idea of giant buildings and mixture of nationalities is found in many spots around the world. So, Saudi summer tourist would try hunting astonishment somewhere else!
My second suggestion to the noticed loss came from lack of cultural attraction. I even wrote about this a few years ago! I still believe that Dubai’s great boom did leave a basic factor behind; that is culture. Most nowadays tourists are after openness of art: Theater, fine arts etc. this is still missing in Dubai in particular and in the Gulf region in general. In short, rigid concrete civilization is always dull!
The chances to reform are enormous, but Dubai has to realize that it is time to slow a little with the making of towers and to rush with facilitating cultural activities that brings people together out of malls and air-conditioned captivities.

(The writer is chairman, Saudi Cartoon & Animation Society)
