Energy key issue at Japan-Arab Economic Forum

Energy key issue 
at Japan-Arab Economic Forum
Updated 20 November 2012

Energy key issue at Japan-Arab Economic Forum

Energy key issue 
at Japan-Arab Economic Forum

The Japanese government and the League of Arab states will hold the third Japan-Arab Economic Forum on December 19 and 20 in Tokyo.
It includes consultations between Japan and Arab countries, says a press release received here.
The event also aims to develop multi-layered mutual economic relations between them through cooperation in a wide range of areas including trade, investment, energy, technology and human resources development.
Tokyo hosted the first forum in Tokyo in 2009 and the second was held in Tunis in 2010. They consisted of ministerial meetings, business seminars, workshops and exhibitions. Relevant Japanese and Arab ministers as well as prominent figures from both public and private sectors took part in these sessions held over two consecutive days.
More than 1,000 participants witnessed those proceedings, according to the statement.
The third forum will be focus on ways of promoting Japan-Arab economic relations.
According to the release, the upcoming forum will consist of several sessions and the following issues will be analyzed: (1) energy and environment; (2) human resource development, education, science and technology; and (3) investment, finance and trade.