Govt gives relief to Indian cartoonist

Govt gives relief to Indian cartoonist
Updated 13 October 2012

Govt gives relief to Indian cartoonist

Govt gives relief to Indian cartoonist

MUMBAI: Indian prosecutors dropped sedition charges yesterday against a cartoonist whose arrest over his anti-corruption drawings outraged freedom of speech campaigners, his lawyer said.
Aseem Trivedi was detained in Mumbai early last month before being released four days later on bail after an outcry from campaigners.
“The sedition charges have been dropped but the other charges continue,” his lawyer Vijay Hiremath told AFP, after western Maharashtra state’s top law officer filed a revised affidavit on Friday to the Bombay High Court.
Trivedi, 25, still faces charges under section 66A of the Information Technology Act and section two of the Prevention of Insults to National Honour Act.
Advocate general Darius Khambata told the court that after a close look at the issue, there was “clearly no case” under sedition regulations, the Press Trust of India news agency reported.
Khambata described police action against Trivedi as a “bonafide knee jerk reaction” to the numerous complaints they received over his cartoons, displayed at an anti-corruption rally last year and online.
But he said three of seven drawings were still found to be in violation of the other acts. “Proceedings in this will continue against him,” Khambata said.
It was not clear which cartoons remain part of the prosecution case, but Trivedi’s works include one of the national emblem with lions replaced by wolves with blood dripping from their teeth, standing on the sign “Corruption alone triumphs” instead of the motto “Truth alone triumphs”.
Earlier this year Trivedi established Save Your Voice, a group lobbying against Internet censorship, while he is also a supporter of India Against Corruption (IAC), the popular anti-graft campaign lead by Anna Hazare.