RABAT, MOROCCO: Human Rights Watch yesterday urged Tunisian authorities to investigate and bring to justice those behind a series of attacks by militants over the past 10 months.
In an open letter to the Interior and Justice ministries, the New York-based group criticized the government for failing to respond to the assaults by militants against activists, journalists, filmmakers and others.
Militants have been increasingly active in Tunisia since the fall of the secular dictatorship a year and a half ago.
“The failure of Tunisian authorities to investigate these attacks entrenches the militants’ impunity and may embolden them to commit more violence,” said Joe Stork, of Human Rights Watch.
According to the organization, in all the six cases, complaints were filed to police who have yet to arrest anyone or even initiate a formal investigation.
There was no immediate comment from the government as Monday is a holiday.
The letter comes a day after US ambassador to Tunisia Jacob Walles posted a message on the embassy website again urging authorities to bring to justice those behind an attack last month on the embassy.
Loosely organized groups have often attacked what they consider symbols of impiety in the country, including film screenings, art exhibits and festivals. The most recent attack described in the leader was in August against a festival marking the international day for Jerusalem in the city of Bizerte north of Tunis.
HRW says Tunisia must confront militancy
HRW says Tunisia must confront militancy