Last week, I started suggesting methods to counteract inflammation, an underlying cause for many illnesses such as metabolic disorders (diabetes, obesity, hypertension, cardiovascular disease), autoimmune disorders (fibromyalgia, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis), arthritis, joint pain, Alzheimer’s disease, cancer and more. Luckily, there are several lifestyle ways that can fight it and reverse such conditions, but they work best and give better results when practiced collectively.
In my last article, I stopped in the middle of discussing the importance of essential fatty acids to the heart, brain, organs, systems and heath in general and inflammation in particular. I started with omega-3 oil from fatty or cold-water fish and their oils because of their powerful anti-inflammatory, anti-coagulant (blood thinning) and pain-relieving characteristics as well as their healing effects on many disorders.
Fish oils have two potent compounds eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docasahexaenoic acid (DHA), which neutralize and decrease inflammation, caused by saturated and trans fats, fried foods, “unhealthy” diets, toxins, stress and obesity. Studies have shown their effectiveness on the cardiovascular and hormonal systems. I shall now continue to explain the other healthy benefits of these two compounds.
Essential fatty acids such as EPA and DHA can decrease inflammation and clean up the arteries and cardiovascular system. Because coronary heart disease is rather caused by low-grade inflammation than cholesterol (as it was once understood), a diet rich in cold-water fish and fish oil supplements, phytochemicals and essential fatty acids (gamma linoleic acid, GLA) can become an effective way of keeping the culprit under control. Such a diet can benefit the vascular system and the brain as well, through its content of EPA and DHA. Their effects were seen in studies on traditional Eskimos who live on fish and their fats vis-à-vis Eskimos who switched to modern fatty diets, high in saturated and trans fats, fries, refined sugar and carbs and dairy. Because of the traditional diet being abundant in fish and omega-3 fat, the typical Eskimo was less exposed to heart attacks, strokes and cardiovascular-incited deaths, whereas their counterparts on Western diets were found to be twice as much at risk of dying of heart disease and vascular disorders.
Fish oil’s benefits were seen in decreased blood serum levels of total cholesterol, triglycerides and the “harmful” very-low-density lipoprotein (VLDL), plus increased levels of the “beneficial” high-density lipoprotein (HDL). Their intake also showed less blood clotting and coagulation as well as enhanced heartbeat rate. The latter effects can be compared to aspirin’s benefits, but without major side effects. Like aspirin because of its anticoagulant effects, fish oil supplement should be discontinued days before undergoing surgery to prevent excessive bleeding. Your surgeon should be notified!!!!
Fish and fish oil capsules protect against the damage of osteoarthritis, the breakdown of joint cartilage. They inhibit culprit enzymes, which break down cartilage; arrest rheumatoid arthritis deterioration; relieve joint pain; and increase joint flexibility.
In human and animal studies, fish oil reduced the risk of a gene that is responsible for activating cancer cells, a condition caused by excess pro-inflammatory compounds like omega-6 from refined seed oils and trans fatty acids that result through frying in high-temperature oil and hydrogenated vegetable fat.
Fish oil (especially krill oil) and walnut oil have shown good effects on the memory and brain and its neurotransmitters, brain hormones. These chemical messengers facilitate communication and signaling among neurons. The oils assist in building neuron and cell fatty membrane. Because of increased intake of omeg-6 and trans fats in modern diets, we see more incidents of depression, mood disorders, aggressive and impulsive behaviors, early cognitive decline and aging and underdeveloped social skills and learning disabilities in children. On the other hand, studies showed improvement in mental and scholastic performances in school children who took fish oil supplements.
Alzheimer’s disease patients and the ageing seem to improve their cognitive skills and delay disabilities with the intake of fish, krill (shellfish), walnut and coconut oils and other essential fatty acids (GLA).
Fish oil’s omega-3 fatty acids have been found to reduce dryness of the eyes by increasing lubrication and preventing infections. Fish and its oils also slow down the progress and delay the onset of age-related macular degeneration (AMD), a common blinding disease. They help maintain the thickness of the central part of the macular when taken along with lutein, an antioxidant found in dark green leafy greens, which improves the macular pigment. The combination of lutein, vitamins A (beta-carotene) and C, zinc and copper along with fish oil is required to prevent AMD and keep it contained.
Omega-3 fatty acids from fish oil, walnuts and flaxseeds fuel the metabolism, encouraging weight loss and keeping body fat low. In studies, participants were asked to take EPA and DHA fatty acids and engage in moderate activity. In three months, they managed to shed several pounds. Fish oils seem to also counteract the effects of trans fatty acids that increase visceral fat (around the abdomen).
The digestive tract needs omega-3 fats from fish and flaxseeds to lubricate the intestines; facilitate bowel movement; and enrich the intestinal microflora (“good” bacteria).
Individuals who suffer from asthma, eczema and allergies can also enjoy the benefits of fish oils and essential fatty acids because of their anti-inflammatory effects on the respiratory tract, skin and immune system. EPA and DHA fats along with gamma linoleic acid (GLA) from primrose and borage can help relieve the symptoms and prevent such disorders. Research showed that supplements of fish oil and GLA enhanced skin moisture, firmness, elasticity, texture and smoothness and reduced rash, irritability and redness. Vitamins A (beta-carotene), D, E and C with bioflavonoids as well as zinc enhance skin texture and condition and relieve the allergies. Probiotic supplement and essential oil decrease allergic reactions and inflammatory response.
Fish oil capsules (1000mg) should come from purified fatty and wild cold-water fish (wild salmon, sardines, anchovies) and certain shellfish like krill found in contaminant-free (mercury, other heavy metals, toxins) waters like the West Coast of Norway or Alaska. Good brands offer purified fish oil from mercury and other toxic pollutants.
Eating fish (salmon, herring, cod) a couple of times a week or daily intake of fish oil supplements are beneficial to overall health and to the cardiovascular and hormonal systems in particular. They should be included in a healthy diet as they counteract inflammation.
Next week, I shall continue discussing other natural anti-inflammatory effective remedies like gamma-linoleic acid (GLA), olive oil, herbs, aromatic seeds, roots and more that are within your reach and in your kitchen. They protect from inflammation and spare you use of pharmaceutical drugs.
N.B.: Individuals with medical conditions or on medication should consult their physicians when they decide to introduce anything new in their diet even if it is natural.
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