Last week, I started discussing the long list of healing and anti-inflammatory spices and roots. Some centuries ago, Indian and Middle Eastern spices, resins aromatic seeds were considered a prized treasure. They reached Europe through Arabia and fetched dear prices at that time for their medicinal and culinary values and rarity. However now, they are readily available in all markets at reasonable costs. The most attractive, artistic colorful displays of spices are in Indian and Arabian open markets. The precious condiments are carefully arranged in mountain-like piles of bright and deep red, green, yellow, brown black pigments and of different textures and shapes. Each type offers a variety of uses. The secret lies in their strong hues, aromatic flavors unpalatable bitterness, which provide the body a plethora of cleansing antioxidants and phytochemicals. Allow me, now, to continue exploring other ones and their variety of health benefits.
Ginger root, Zingibar officinale, is commonly used as a spice in Arabian and Asian cuisines to flavor soups, main dishes, bakery, desserts herbal drinks. It is also appreciated for its effective medicinal properties. It is closely related to turmeric root powder. In studies, the two complement each other in preventing and regressing cancer by detoxifying the cells and systems, causing cancer cells to commit suicide, apoptosis. Along with black pepper, the duo makes a powerful trio to counteract cancer cells and boost energy and the immune responses.
Ginger contains an antioxidant known as kaempferol, which blocks the inflammatory enzymes, Cox-2 and lipoxygenase, which are implicated in producing inflammation in the joints, distorting fingers and joints.
Ginger root is frequently used in the Middle East as a remedy to relieve sinus problems, cough respiratory tract infections and reduce inflammation of the mucus membrane. A cup of herbal infusion of thyme leaves, chamomile, or any other with fresh ginger, a cinnamon stick a little honey relieves headache, congested sinuses, cough and other cold and flu symptoms. The hot drink also detoxifies the system from inflammation, infection toxins and gives energy.
In Chinese traditional medicine, ginger is recommended for nausea, stomach-ache other digestive problems. It is effective on intestinal bacterial infections. A glass of soda water mixed with the juice of one lime and ginger juice works wonders on indigestion and nausea and helps bacterial and yeast infections by detoxifying the entire digestive tract and reinforcing immunity. It also relieves nausea triggered by seasickness and chemotherapy.
One of the root’s other advantages is that it contains a trace of the body clock hormone called melatonin, which regulates sleep, waking hours digestive functions. This important antioxidant also assists in the treatment of inflammatory and jetlag conditions.
In supplement form, ginger seems to be effective on osteoarthritis, rheumatism, influenza, muscular pain, nausea vomiting (also associated with chemotherapy). To give your food flavor and zest, add the fresh juicy root to salad dressings, soups, stir-fries, stews, marinades, herbal infusions, desserts juices.
Boswellia serrate is a resin produced by trees grown in the Southern part of the Arabian Peninsula. The gum is more known in the West as frankincense and in Arabia and Middle East as luban shihri, or thakar. Boswellic acids, 5-Loxin, are its most potent chemicals on pro-inflammatory compounds such as the enzyme 5-lipoxygenase. The acids, 200mg three times a day, are effective on inflammation disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. By lowering the inflammatory enzymes in the synovial fluid of the joints, they relieve joint pain and stiffness. Such destructive enzymes are responsible for cartilage breakdown as well.
The gum has yet more healing characteristics. Arabian traditional medicine recommends its use to treat respiratory tract disorders. The gum dries mucus, helps cough as it expectorates it from the airways, relieves the sinuses, reduces flu symptoms speeds recovery. When burnt like frankincense, the resin kills airborne bacteria in interiors, preventing seasonal viruses and bacterial infections.
Cinnamon bark is a special spice that offers many benefits to the body. It detoxifies the immune system, boosts energy is abundant in antioxidants to fight free radical damage, diabetes inflammation. In the body, the bark regulates blood sugar and controls the spiking of insulin by mimicking the hormone’s functions. The bark is much used in cooking, baked goods, desserts herbal infusions.
Clove is another powerful spice, very rich in antioxidants and high on the ORAC scale, which measures the potency of antioxidants. Traditional Arabian medicine recommends cloves and clove oil to treat dental and gum infections, abscesses tooth ache. They are potent immune boosters and body detoxifiers and energizers as well.
Cardamoms also offer potent energizing antioxidants in small amounts, but in not the quantities we have them in Arabic coffee, which can be excessive and harming to health. Consumption of the drink should be limited to a couple of small cups. Mixed with coffee, cardamom magnifies the effects of caffeine, thus disturbing sleep and causing insomnia. Individuals suffering from acid reflux and stomach ulcers should avoid the coffee, caffeine cardamom as well as mint leaves.
I would like to thank the reader who sent me a warning about the side effects of the extensive use of cardamom. I agree that excessive amounts can be harmful to health, but tiny amounts in dishes can be detoxifying to body systems and beneficial to immunity. Moderation is key in all lifestyle behaviors.
Some health stores carry brands of multi-antioxidant and -phytochemical supplements to boost the immune system. Many of them contain the above spices and roots as well as aromatic seeds and herbs; others offer aged-garlic, Aloe vera, micro-algae a variety of mushroom extracts. Most of them are effective, because they increase energy and vitality; enhance mental alertness; improve quality of sleep; cleanse the systems and organs from toxins; protect from viruses and other pathogens; and reduce symptoms of infections, inflammation disease.
Unlike pharmaceutical drugs, which have double-edged sword effects on the body, the above gifts of Nature provide us cure, relief benefits, which also give energy and preserve our health without harmful side effects. We should put them to test instead of running straight to the medicine cabinet or the nearest pharmacy.
Next week, I will follow up with more on such body detoxifiers, inflammation healers health restorers. I shall also focus on the enzymes that reduce inflammation and neutralize inflammatory compounds that are damaging to health as well as fruits, vegetables, greens, seaweed micro-algae. For the time being, don’t hesitate to make the above aliments part of your daily nutrition. These work as your magic potion for “good” health and disease-free energetic longevity.
P.S. Most of the information in my previous and last articles on inflammation come from the below books and more, Internet other sources.
“The Inflammation Syndrome,” an interesting simplified book written by Jack Challem, the publisher and editor of the newsletter, The Nutrition Reporter
Dr. Sears book, The Anti-inflammation Zone Diet
N.B.: Individuals with medical conditions or on medication should consult their physicians when they decide to introduce anything new in their diet even if it is natural.
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