Kenya bull fight: Obama trounces Romney

Kenya bull fight: Obama trounces Romney
Updated 03 November 2012

Kenya bull fight: Obama trounces Romney

Kenya bull fight: Obama trounces Romney

KHAYEGA, Kenya: If the US presidential election were to be determined by a bull fight in Kenya then President Barack Obama would defeat Mitt Romney.
On Saturday villagers from western Kenya town of Khayega held a bull fighting contest between, a 900 pound (410 kilogram) black bull they named Obama and a black and white 1,000 pound (460kg) bull they named Mitt Romney. Both are cattle breeds indigenous to Kenya. Despite being lesser in size Obama was the overwhelming favorite having won six of his last fights and he did not disappoint. After close to half an-hour the bulls were separated and Obama was declared winner. Most Kenyans consider Obama, the son of a white mother from Kansas and a black father from Kenya, as one of their own.