Letters to the Editor: Egyptians have done it

Letters to the Editor: Egyptians have done it
Updated 04 June 2012

Letters to the Editor: Egyptians have done it

Letters to the Editor: Egyptians have done it

It is a lesson learned for those who want to learn, not for those who still think that they will survive the ongoing tide to uproot the undemocratic regimes. Hosni Mubarak and his interior minister were found responsible for killing of protesters during the last year’s uprising against the dictatorial regime.
They will spend rest of their lives behind the bars. Now Egyptians know how to depose a dictator and how to punish him for his wrongdoings. Although a number of people are not happy with the release of the former interior minister’s aides, who have not been found guilty of complicity and instigation, that certainly shall not mean another round of violent protests.
The courts shall continue to charge all those accused of conspiring against their own people and looting the resources of the country. The democratic process shall continue without hindrance and the upcoming government shall make it a point to bring these court cases to a logical conclusion. Congratulations to the Egyptians. (Masood Khan, Jubail)

New look is good look
As a 30-year-old reader of Arab News, I want to thank you all for the wonderful new look. It looks very pleasing to the eye. Since I am getting old I like the large and eye-catching font. It is much more easier to read. I can feel the difference. It is less straining. Arab News has become a part of my daily life. I can’t imagine a morning without it. My congratulations to Editor in Chief Abdulwahab Al-Faiz and the entire team. Well done.
Abdulhameed Bukhari

Situation in Yemen
According to news reports, the Yemeni forces have started a new offensive against militants in the Abayan province in Yemen. Several thousand tribal volunteers are also taking part in the offensive.
Yemen is seeing the worst in violence and suicide attacks these days. Unfortunately, the Yemeni authorities are making the same mistake that Pakistan made in the past. Yemen has tribal culture like Pakistan. Ten years ago, Pakistan started an offensive against its own tribesmen under the cover of the US drones. However, despite the loss of tens of thousands of soldiers, civilians, in addition to heavy losses to the country›s economy, Pakistan is still not able to control the situation and militancy is growing in tribal areas.
The reality is that the current situation in Afghanistan and Pakistan proves that you cannot win a war against your own people and peace cannot be brought through the use of drones. Killing of ordinary people provides more reasons to militants to recruit more individuals and pursue their agenda against the government. After several drone attacks and killing of ordinary people, the rate of suicide attacks has doubled in Yemen. The Yemeni authorities should try to adopt policies that suit their own interests. (Khawaja Umer Farooq, Jeddah)

IISR Boys Section topper
We appreciate Arab News’ extensive coverage of the Class XII results (May 29). Congratulations to all toppers, including our son, Ashank Suresh, who topped in the International Indian School-Riyadh (IISR) Boys Section in commerce stream. He scored 97 percent in Business Studies and 95 percent in Economics. Well done. (Suresh Srinivas & Uma Suresh, Riyadh)