Need for stricter gun control

Need for stricter gun control
Updated 17 December 2012

Need for stricter gun control

Need for stricter gun control

As parents of three daughters, my wife and I are distraught about this latest episode of the massacre of innocents in our home country. As we recall all the memories at each stage of development of our children into lovely and talented young adults, trying to imagine the anguish of the parents of the slaughtered children is almost unbearable.
As a US citizen and life-long advocate of strict gun control, sadly I have little hope that even this most vicious and senseless act of random violence will have much impact in changing public policy.
As Couronne aptly stated in his wise analysis, “Another mass killing, another debate on US gun control,” the pro-gun lobby in the US has refused to compromise its knee-jerk reaction to any attempt to legislate reasonable gun control, including weapons designed specifically for urban violence and mass murder.
Our incapacity or unwillingness as a nation to achieve enlightened policy in this area, to heedlessly defend a misinterpretation of the 2nd Amendment right to bear arms rather than protect the sanctity of life and security is a national disgrace. Our failure to address this with serious legislative action and enforcement will inevitably lead to the next scenario of grieving parents, spouses and friends mourning the innocent victims while we express our shock, shed a few tears and then avoid dealing with the root of the problem. God have mercy on us! — Wes Rohrer, By e-mail