JEDDAH: Abdelmontaleb Ahmed Hussin Ali, 38, a driver and father of two, died in a missile attack that struck his home in Riyadh on Sunday.
The driver moved to the Kingdom about a year and a half ago, hoping for a better life. Many tweeted posts expressing their support and praying for the dead man and his family.
@iheeeem tweeted: “He is one of us, we send our condolences to our brothers in Egypt and we ask Allah the greatest to accept him as one of the martyrs and ask him to bring peace and patience upon his family.”
The dead man’s brother, Mohammed, is trying to remain strong despite his loss. “God is the greatest, he is capable of everything,” he said.
Mohammed said that his brother had two children, a young girl and boy. He stressed the family’s poor living conditions and the extent of the tragedy that had occurred. “Only God knows our situation,” he said.
Egyptian victim of Houthi missile attack in Riyadh a poor driver and father of 2
Egyptian victim of Houthi missile attack in Riyadh a poor driver and father of 2