The Americans entered the Vietnam War in the sixties under the pretext of fighting communism. They failed, however, to establish a foothold there and were forced to withdraw due to Vietnamese popular resistance and American public opinion. When the Soviet Union invaded the Muslim country of Afghanistan seeking a foothold, America presented itself as the supporter of the Muslim world although all it wanted was to balance the international political equation. The United States used its allies from the people in that country who would later fall out with each other because of greed and personal interests.
After the withdrawal of the Soviet occupation forces, the US tried to use the same friends but found out that they had grown up and renounced allegiance.
Having achieved its aims, the US then tried to disassociate itself from these groups, claiming to be fighting fundamentalism while excluding Jewish fundamentalism and extremist religious leaders. These groups are guaranteed unlimited American support that is best illustrated in the appalling course of action adopted by the new American administration. This administration has made the butcher Ariel Sharon the real decision-maker in both the Knesset and the White House. It has given the extremist Shas movement a green light to launch a vicious verbal attack against the Arabs, a policy that clearly testifies to the extremist nature of religious and political Jewish movements alike. The verbal attack by Shas spiritual leader on the Arabs is worse than the despicable racist policy of Adolf Hitler.
Following Israel’s invasion of Lebanon under Sharon, a war criminal whom the world led by America is racing to appease and whose order all are eager to obey, the Republican administration of former US President Ronald Reagan sent its war fleet to Lebanon in a despicable show of sympathy for the government of blood-thirsty butchers, Menachem Begin, Yitzhak Shamir and Sharon. America, however, met with popular resistance that forced it to withdraw from the Lebanese scene.
The US blunders and political shortsightedness propelled the new administration into a real crisis with China when America violated Chinese airspace with its provocative surveillance flights. In addition, there was also the destruction of a Chinese plane and the killing of its pilot. We all saw how Bush and his secretary of state raced to beg the Chinese government to release the crew of the American spy plane. First, there was an expression of regret over the incident, then came a fuller and stronger regret as Bush frowned and Powell’s face darkened when they took to the podium to talk about a crisis for which America alone should bear full responsibility. It was a crisis triggered by American arrogance.
At that same time the Chinese president was smiling sarcastically and rejoicing over the American dilemma. We all saw how the world, including the Europeans except Tony Blair’s Britain, was delighted over the humiliating position America found itself in. It was a position of Washington’s making by the same hands that were generously extended toward Sharon. And while America kept expressing concern over the physical and psychological health of the crew of its spy plane, the American administration and its people showed no sympathy whatsoever — or any other humanitarian feeling toward the Palestinian refugee camps, the homes, mosques and churches demolished and flattened by the new Nazis who continue to kill men, women and children.