Israeli products in the Kingdom?

By Mufrej Al-Hakabani, Al-Jazirah
Publication Date: 
Sun, 2002-05-12 03:00

JEDDAH, 11 May — Saudi Arabia continues to stand firmly with the Palestinian people in their struggles for rights and an end to Israeli occupation. The initiative launched by Crown Prince Abdullah has shown the world the firmness of the Saudi position and the commitment to Arab and Islamic resolutions. Despite this clarity in our position, we read in the local and international media about Israeli goods entering the Kingdom. This clearly contradicts the Kingdom’s position and puts the country’s credibility in doubt all over the world.

We all know for sure that even the slightest possibility of having direct commercial links with the Zionist entity is out of question. How then can we imagine trade agents bypassing all administrative and geographical barriers to bring in Israeli goods? This happened recently as shown by a confiscated shipment of mobile phones.

These Israeli manufactured goods are not free of threats; they carry hazardous components dangerous to human health.

The main question here is who is to blame for such serious violations that could endanger the Kingdom’s reputation. Is it the Ministry of Commerce, which might have been lax in issuing import licenses? Is it the customs officers who may have been negligent in their duty? Is it the traders who managed to circumvent all barriers by using illegal means?

These and many other questions need to be answered by the relevant administrative body, and the persons responsible exposed and punished.

Saudis are keen to preserve and protect their religion; they stand firmly behind their leadership and its unshakable support to Islamic and Arab causes.

It would be unacceptable that while the Palestinian people are being massacred and the Kingdom’s political and economic position made clear, we should discover Israeli goods in our markets. It is time the Ministry of Commerce clarifies the situation instead of keeping silent and thus giving the impression that it is at least indirectly responsible.

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