Did it ever occur to you that a trace mineral has the power to boost your immunity; shrink tumors; combat and prevent cancer; and stop virus and bacteria mutation? So much potency in an iota of a nutrient! Selenium is this trace element found in certain foods. It is available in organic (L(+)Selenomethionine or selenium yeast) and inorganic forms (sodium selenite). The body requires the mineral to maintain a healthy immune system, but in tiny amounts around 200 mcg and only 40mcg for pregnant women. In the last decade, it has been hailed as an antioxidant for its detoxifying effects. Let us see why we needed it.
According to medical anthropologist Dr. John Heinerman, cancer reached a prevalence of 25 percent at one point in some areas of China. This finding intrigued government leaders who ordered massive research on the cause of the condition. They came across a selenium-enriched calcium carbonate formation (loess), known as “jiang-shi” in traditional Chinese medicine, which prevents and cures cancer. Learning of its benefits in 1974, the government ordered the addition of “jiang-shi” deposits into wells in affected provinces. Fifteen years later, “no more cancer deaths (were) recorded!” Excited, the government spread the information about selenium and continued providing the trace element through water supply.
Because selenium acts like an antioxidant and is an ingredient in other antioxidants, it is required by the immune system to destroy pathogens and stop the mutation of viruses and bacteria. With selenium deficiency, immune systems are debilitated, allowing the rapid reproduction of strains of viruses and bacteria. The weakened and selenium deficient body begins to resist antibiotic therapies for pneumonia, bronchitis, and other infections. As we are all aware, there is a surge, in recent years, in antibiotic-resistant bacteria that should be seriously addressed.
Dr. Heinerman suggests selenium supplements with vitamins E and C, which work synergistically to control the mutation of viruses and the spreading of hospital bacteria, sepsis, and drug-resistance. Studies have shown that selenium prevents and acts against cancer and malignant tumor cells, causing them to self-destroy. But, selenium needs helpers to do that. Vitamin C increases the mineral’s bioavailability. When taking selenium supplement or eating selenium containing foods, you should drink vitamin C rich juice (orange, kiwi, tomato) along with it. Another way is to add a squeeze of lemon to your serving of fish.
Apart from sustaining immune functions, selenium has other benefits when combined with vitamin E. It inhibits the oxidation of fats; enhances sperm production and fertility; helps prostate and thyroid functions; regularizes heart beat; makes antibodies to protect against heart and liver diseases; improves pancreatic functions; manages mood disorders; fights infections; acts as an anti-coagulant on clots; reduces cancer risk; prevents cataracts; and relieves inflammation in autoimmune diseases. With E and zinc, selenium reduces enlarged prostates.
Animal foods (sea fish, seafood, organ meats) provide high amounts of selenium. Others like nuts (Brazil), seeds, cereal grains, onion, garlic, radishes, medicinal mushrooms (shiitake, reishi), raisins, and yeast offer less of the mineral. Poultry, dairy, eggs, fruits, vegetables, and drinking water are low in selenium. Keep in mind that plant foods that grow in selenium-depleted soils and animals that feed on them contain minimum selenium. This only suggests that we enrich agricultural soil with the appropriate minerals. Considering the degraded quality of food due to nutrient depleted soils, trans fats in fast food, and pesticides in produce, and hormones and antibiotics in animal flesh, it is recommended to occasionally take a course of multi-vitamin-and-mineral supplements to substitute for nutrient-deficient diets. For those who need to take antibiotics or have had surgery or long hospitalization periods, I suggest you consult your physician for a similar supplement to recover strength and ability to fight disease and hospital infections and regain health balance.
In given circumstances where we see a great surge in cancer cases in the country, I suggest that the Ministry of Health, other health organizations, and doctors to look into the Chinese experience and its quick response to cancer prevalence, which was successfully reversed in a hygienic, preventive, and cost-effective manner.