What is wrong these days? A father kills his son ... a son kills his father ... a mother kills her infant baby ... a young man shoots his friend!!! Have a look at the newspapers this month and you will find a long list of horrible crimes that in the past might have happened only once every 10 years. Now they have become so common that they pass almost unnoticed.
Has our society suddenly become crazy? Did the sandstorms that hit our country lately bring with them seeds of madness so that we now have a large number of insane people everywhere? Has the problem become so bad that crime news by far exceeds the football news? Did all these crimes happen by chance, or are we facing a new social reality that needs to be addressed as we face this frightening phenomenon?
We are entering into an area that we do not understand. Even in societies known for high rates of crime, you will seldom read about a father who killed his son or a son who unmercifully mutilated the body of his own father. This situation is not related to high or low crime rates. The crimes that take place on our streets can be dealt with by various means, but the crimes that take place inside homes need a careful and untraditional reading to understand their causes.
Drugs may be a basic factor in the spread of these terrible crimes. Bad economic conditions and the psychological pressures that come with them may also have a hand in these horrible crimes. Social frustration may also drive some people to go astray.
Domestic violence, which has been on the rise lately, must be carefully studied even if it is difficult to confront because it happens behind closed doors. The best method to deal with domestic violence is to end the circumstances that caused it in the first place.