I had been a journalist for five years and I was head hunted for a job in a sister publication: Sayidaty. That unforgettable afternoon was my very first day as an employee. It so happened that my first day was also the day Saudi Research and Publishing Co. launched Sayidaty at the London Savoy: a very exciting, glamorous first day at a new job. Little did I know that within a few years I would be offered the editorship of Sayidaty and that both Sayidaty and myself at the helm would climb the heights. For such was the mark of the leadership who had a vision for the future and were willing to invest in the young and hopeful.
From that perspective I can vouch that the world, my world, and the world of Pan-Arab journalism was young and ambitious.
Thirty years have passed, and our world that had taken cautious steps into the future has matured and grown in reputation and stature. Tens of thousands of readers quote Asharq Al-Awsat and Arab News. Sayidaty is published in both Arabic and English.
What does it all mean? And do the years just go by, year in and year out? I think not.
Four or five generations of Arab journalists, Saudi and others have carried the banner of this great publishing house. We have all been trained, encouraged, and given a voice, free to speak to the world and communicate a unique view based on tolerance and justice which are the main values of Islam.
The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is home to thousands of non-Arabic speaking expatriates: Technocrats, professionals, workers, journalists and others who seek a better life. Arab News became a bridge that they cross to the heart of Arab and international life, news, views and features.
Over the years I came to know several colleagues who helped build Arab News. Like myself, they started young and have now matured enough to leave a mark on young hearts and minds.
It is difficult to predict the future. However, one hopes and dreams that 30 years from now Arab News would still be going strong. And the names of Almaeena and Luqman and others would still be remembered as founders and keepers of this lively publication which brought East and West as close as is culturally possible in a world which celebrates diversity.
- Fawzia Salama is a TV broadcaster.