Pay raise recommended for doctors, dentists

Publication Date: 
Mon, 2010-07-26 00:51

It has been confirmed that they are also to receive an annual housing allowance of at least SR50,000 if their employers do not provide them with accommodation.
An official source at the Council of Medical Services told the local Arabic daily Al-Madinah on Friday that a proposal had been submitted to the Finance Ministry, calling for a special pay raise for Saudi doctors and dentists without exception.
Under the recommendations, resident doctors would receive a basic salary increase of 15 percent. Specialists would receive 20 percent and consultants 25 percent.
The official said these bonuses would be paid for a certain period of time before they are reviewed to see if the initiative has attracted more Saudi doctors and dentists.
Health Ministry sources were also quoted as saying that all health care providers would be obliged to provide accommodation for Saudi doctors and dentists or pay them a housing allowance of not less than SR50,000 every year until suitable houses are found for them.
They said the ministry has ordered all health affairs departments in the country to start implementing the new policy, which was approved by the Supreme Authority.
Health Ministry spokesman Dr. Khaled Al-Mirghalani said a new structure for health professionals has been introduced, which was aimed at achieving fairness and equality in salaries and allowances for doctors and dentists.
Under the initiative, salary scales in all health centers and general and specialist hospitals run by the government will be uniform.

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