Victims’ lawyer says Tantawi lied

Publication Date: 
Tue, 2012-01-10 01:59

The 83-year-old former president and some of his top former security officials are on trial on charges of complicity in killings of about 850 protesters during 18-day uprising that forced Mubarak from power on Feb. 11.
Amir Salem, who represents families of the victims, alleged in court on Monday that both Field Marshal Hussein Tantawi, the head of ruling military council, and former Vice President Omar Suleiman lied in their testimonies.
Both Tantawi and Suleiman worked for decades as senior officials under Mubarak.
Lawyers for the victims' families also charged that Egyptian police were ordered to use lethal fire against protesters in the revolt which brought Mubarak down.
The ailing, 83-year-old Mubarak lay on a stretcher in the defendants' cage at the trial in which the prosecution has called for him to be hanged for the killing of the demonstrators.
Sameh Ashour, lead counsel for victims' families in the Cairo trial, submitted official documents which he said showed that 160 police officers had been armed with automatic weapons and 4,800 live rounds.
The lawyer also showed a report from the Central Security Forces that four units, each made up of 50 policemen, had been supplied with automatic weapons and ammunition.
A speech by Mubarak on Jan. 28, three days after the outbreak of the unrest, amounted to "implicit recognition of the use of force against demonstrators," according to Ashour.
Mubarak said he had given instructions for police "to protect the demonstrations ... before they turn into riots."
Lawyers for civil plaintiffs have until Tuesday to present their case before the defense takes its turn, after the prosecution last week urged the court to sentence the fallen strongman to hang.
"The law punishes premeditated murder with execution. The prosecution demands the maximum punishment," Mustafa Khater told the presiding judge, Ahmed Refaat.
Mubarak, detained in a military hospital where he is being treated for a heart condition, is on trial along with seven former security chiefs. The defence is to argue their innocence.
Chief prosecutor Mustafa Suleiman told the court that Mubarak must have ordered police to open fire on protesters during the 18-day uprising that ended his three-decade rule on Feb. 11, leaving more than 850 dead.
Essam El-Batawy, a defense lawyer, said the prosecution's closing arguments were based, in part, on statements from witnesses they had questioned during their investigation who had not taken the stand. "They used partial quotes from their testimony," he said. "We will insist on listening to these witnesses in court," saying they will be called to testify.
Mubarak went to trial on Aug. 3, after protesters stepped up demonstrations calling on the ruling military to try him and other former regime officials.
None of the police witnesses summoned by the prosecution has directly implicated Mubarak.

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