With the launch of the Oral-B’s new electric toothbrush, the Oral-B Triumph 5000 with SmartGuide, people can now elevate their oral health like they do their fitness, with a coach! Forget smartphones, the Triumph 5000 with SmartGuide is a smart toothbrush!
Like a personal trainer it motivates user’s brushing behavior and rewards the correct brushing techniques.
The brush comes with a special wireless SmartGuide device that connects to the brush wirelessly and monitors brushing, providing you with real-time feedback, and a dentist-like report on your current brushing technique and on how you should be brushing.
The new Triumph guides users to brush longer and with appropriate pressure by stopping pulsation if users press too hard, visually indicating that pressure is too high by a flashing red light on the toothbrush handle, and reducing speed to a sensitive mode every time the user presses too hard…. welcome to brushing 2.0!
Further, the state of the art electric toothbrush provides the user a pat on the back for a job well done.
The new interactive motivational tool, the Star Reward Feature, rewards the user immediately during the routine itself.
“With this brush we usher the 21st century era of oral care,” said Mohammed Ali Faruqi, brand manager, Oral Care, Arabian Peninsula.
“As smartphones revolutionized communication, we believe the technology in the Triumph 5000 will forever change people’s oral care routine. We are confident that people will come to rely on this technology,” said the manager.
Beyond the real-time guidance, the Triumph’s gentle 3D cupping action provides superior tooth-by-tooth cleaning with 8,800 oscillations and 40,000 rotations per minute to remove twice as much plaque as a manual toothbrush.
While a pressure control system protects sensitive gums during brushing and, more importantly, with all that technology, the brush helps relieve the boredom of a regular brushing routine.
Oral-B triumphs with SmartGuide device
Oral-B triumphs with SmartGuide device