Outrage in India over gang rape

Outrage in India over gang rape
Updated 19 December 2012

Outrage in India over gang rape

Outrage in India over gang rape

It is a real shocking for the conscience of any sane and civilized society. That such a barbaric and shameful act was committed without any fear of consequences is cause for serious concern which has angered people across the country. The 23-year-old young paramedical student now fighting for her life was gang-raped and brutally assaulted in a moving bus in Delhi on Sunday.
The incident creates fear in the minds of young women across the world. Crime against women has been on the rise in India. Instances of rape are increasing by the day in cities and towns. I am sure villages are no exception. But the instances do not come to light perhaps because the media concentrate more on urban centers. The growing insecurity of women is a matter of grave concern. Reports of rape and molestation appearing with alarming regularity speak volumes about official apathy and efficacy of the criminal justice system. Rape not only shatters the confidence of the victim but also makes her mentally fragile. Society should be more sensitive to the victim and help her overcome her mental agony.
The government of India should set an example by giving the rapists exemplary punishment and make so that it instills fear in the minds of those who think they can get away with anything by committing such a heinous crime. Women must feel safe in our country. How can we ensure that justice is speedily delivered to the countless women who have faced the trauma and agony of such incidents? It is time society, more importantly men, played a more proactive role in ensuring the safety of women. — Mir Gazanfar Ali Zaki, Jeddah