Prince Naif: Outside the realm of glamour

Prince Naif: Outside the realm of glamour
Updated 17 June 2012

Prince Naif: Outside the realm of glamour

Prince Naif: Outside the realm of glamour

Losing a dear person is hurtful. With the loss of a noble and a good man, nonetheless, the hurt gets magnified.
Prince Naif, in addition to having qualities that are rarely found in ordinary people let alone powerful people in today's materialistic world, held key types of power, and thus, his passing away is a big loss to humanity.
Holding power — be it political or economic — brings a certain glamor to a person that can be intimidating at times. Prince Naif, may Allah bless his soul, held all types of power but he never let anyone feel intimidated regardless of age, socio-economic class, or education. This was his unique quality.
Prince Naif always made everyone feel part of the group. He spoke softly on the phone, and talked quietly either in the public Majlis or during personal conversations in the corridors and halls. This comforting tone dispelled the fear of talking to one of the pillars of the royal family and the Saudi government, and soon one would be made to feel close to the great man and part of the group.
He also helped people starting on a new job to execute their duties by allowing them to make mistakes without holding it against them; encouraging them morally, and assisting them to possess the necessary tools to perform their tasks. Subsequently, the fear and the apprehension of failing just go away.
In the public Majlis, Prince Naïf received all people from all walks of life and heard their grievances or personal demands. Though many failed to present them in a proper manner, he never got angry with them; instead he spoke with patience and care, and responded all the time to their valid needs.
The only matter that got on his nerves was unjust attacks on the principles and foundations of Saudi Arabia. May Allah reward Prince Naif paradise in the thereafter.

— Dr. Abdulrahman Al-Zuhayyan is a Saudi academician based in Riyadh.
