Replica cosmetic products seized

Replica cosmetic products seized
Updated 26 July 2012

Replica cosmetic products seized

Replica cosmetic products seized

Nearly 200,000 pieces of replica cosmetic products were seized during a raid in Riyadh. Inspection squads from the Authority for Preventing Commercial Fraud under the Ministry of Commerce and Industry raided a warehouse that was turned into a factory to produce and package replica goods in the industrial area, west of Riyadh, according to a ministry statement.
The seized items included 192,000 empty bottles of shampoo to refill them, 135,000 simulated shampoo label, 8,400 lotion without explanatory data, and 3,600 packets of expired antiseptic gel. Some materials, instruments and machinery used for manufacturing replica products were also seized. The ministry officials have started taking punitive measures against the factory and its operators.
The officials have also arrested a foreign worker who was engaged in packaging and marketing replica shampoo products after misusing the brand of a famous international company. They seized 50 cartons of replica shampoo bottles that were ready for marketing as well as some counterfeit labels of well-know brands from his residence, the Saudi Press Agency reported.
The ministry urged owners of commercial firms to ensure that their employees do not violate the regulations. It also called on consumers to help the authorities in combating commercial fraud. “If anyone detects such violations, they should inform the authorities by calling to 800124 1616. Strict penal action shall be taken against all those who have been found involved in such illegal acts,” the statement added.