Shamed Armstrong stripped

Shamed Armstrong stripped
Updated 23 October 2012

Shamed Armstrong stripped

Shamed Armstrong stripped

Lance Armstrong has finally been stripped of seven Tour de France titles by the International Cycling Union (UCI). The president of the union confirming the decision has said “Lance Armstrong has no place in cycling and that the American deserves to be forgotten.”
The decision means all the achievements of the Texan since Aug. 1, 1998 have been nullified and he is banned for life. So the biggest cheat in “sport” is finally brought to book, titles are taken away but he still keeps the hundreds of millions of dollars.
All drug cheats should be severely dealt with, with no mercy at all. He cheated his fellow competitors, the officials and the sport lovers all over the world.
Whatever assurance the president of the UCI gives, cycling and other sports are going to be haunted by this most shameful incident of cheating, not once but seven times over by one and the same person: Lance Armstrong, a name which will be erased from all records! — S.H. Moulana, Riyadh