Children across the world are becoming over weight and it is of serious concern to medical professionals. Many parents do not realize that the problem is not just the fat sitting under the skin and around the body — the fat that you can pinch — but also the visceral fat inside the body that is wrapped around the organs causing stress and damage. As the child grows, excess fat is harmful to a child’s growing body; obesity can also have a heavy social and emotional effect on a child. An overweight child has a high chance of becoming an overweight adult.
Many parents lead busy working lives and it is so very easy to let children sit in front of the television, play on console games or sit in front of the computer screen. Teachers can spot children who spend hours in front of screens because they have a slightly dazed, tired look about them instead of a bright healthy happy look. Sitting about can be a disaster for weight gain.
Now in the United Kingdom, nearly a quarter of children starting school are classed as overweight. These children face years of health problems but it is a problem that can be sorted out if parents will recognize the fact that they have an overweight child. A fat child is not healthy but unhealthy. We have to act now; gradual changes of habits are the key as well as being very sensitive to children’s feelings, of course parents too need to lead by example.
How to help your child control their weight
Children are very sensitive and although some young boys may act tough they are very easily wounded and their confidence is very fragile. So you need to deal with the situation in a positive manner. Never nag or tease them about their weight or they will just feel just awful. They do know they are overweight and do not need it to be pointed out. If you buy loads of sweets and treats they will eat them. Sugar creates imbalances in energy that can contribute to erratic behavior, hyperactivity and mood changes.
How do you protect your child from junk food?
Food manufacturers know that the best way to get money from your purse is through children’s demands. This is known in the industry as pester-power.
We can blame manufacturers who target children or shops that put sweets next to the checkout so that children will pester mummy; but we can also educate our children to take care of themselves.
Teach your child about food marketing of unhealthy fast and factory made foods.
Show them what happens to a baby tooth when it is left in a glass of cola overnight.
Look at labels with them: a fruit drink with only 6 percent fruit juice and 94 percent water and sugar is not a healthy fruit drink.
If you cannot read the words on the label or do not know what they mean do you think they are good food?
Teach children that fast food is only a weekly treat.
Lead by example; let your child see you enjoying fruit and vegetables.
It is also important not to push children to eat more food when they feel full.
Parents who over-feed young children can lead them to weight problems in later life
Young babies should be gradually introduced to pureed vegetables and fruit when the doctor advises they are ready to be weaned.
Try making your children a healthy, brightly coloured fruit salad ready for them to eat when they return home from school.
Teach your child that a colourful plate of food is a healthy plate of food.
Make time to cook with your children so they can learn how to make real food. Make eating meals a happy family occasion.
Ask Alva
I need to lose weight and have cut out cheese, cream, butter, and fat from my diet. Is this OK? I am 19 years old.
— Hetal
I am concerned that you are not getting sufficient calcium to build strong bone. It is very important for anyone cutting out dairy products to ensure they are getting key nutrients to maintain bone health. Childhood, adolescence and early adulthood are peak times for ‘banking’ bone, so this is the time to build the maximum amount of strength into the skeleton in preparation for the inevitable bone loss that occurs in later life. Many older women suffer from fractures due to osteoporosis. Calcium is essential to our bones and teeth, so I do not think that cutting out dairy products is the healthy way to lose weight. You could use low fat varieties, cut down on snacks and sugar drinks, and take some exercise in order to lose weight. If you email me I will send you a copy of my healthy eating guide.
— Alva