Trained Navy dolphins losing out to robots

Trained Navy dolphins losing out to robots
Updated 02 December 2012

Trained Navy dolphins losing out to robots

Trained Navy dolphins losing out to robots

SAN DIEGO: Some dolphins used by the Navy to track down mines will soon lose their jobs to robots — but they’ll be reassigned, not retired. Starting in 2017, 24 of the Navy’s 80 military-trained dolphins will be replaced by a 12-foot (3.6-meter) unmanned torpedo-shaped vehicle, according to the newspaper UT San Diego.
The military said the machines can do some of the same mine-hunting duties as the sea creatures. And they can be manufactured quickly, unlike the seven years it takes to train a dolphin.
But the dolphins won’t be relieved of duty. They’ll be used along with sea lions for port security and retrieving objects from the sea floor, the newspaper reported. The Navy’s $28 million marine-mammal program dates back to the late 1950s and once included killer whales and sharks.