Tribal leader urges Yemeni factions to talk

Tribal leader urges Yemeni factions to talk
Updated 07 October 2012

Tribal leader urges Yemeni factions to talk

Tribal leader urges Yemeni factions to talk

SANAA, Yemen: The leader of Yemen’s largest and most powerful tribe has urged Yemen’s factions, including Al-Qaeda, to renounce violence and open a dialogue.
The alternative, he said, is armed conflict.
Sheik Sadeq Al-Ahmar, leader of Hashid tribal confederation, told the first meeting of the alliance of Yemen’s tribes Saturday that the Hawthi Shiite Muslims in the north, the armed secessionists in the south and Al-Qaeda must reject violence and join in the political process, without preconditions.
He said all of Yemen’s political parties, tribes and civil society groups should take part in a national dialogue next month.
“The road to solving problems is to leave arms behind and resort to dialogue,” he said, “so that the Yemeni people will not be forced to resort to the logic of blood.”