Work environment: Top rank for Johnson Controls

Work environment: Top rank for Johnson Controls
Updated 17 June 2012

Work environment: Top rank for Johnson Controls

Work environment: Top rank for Johnson Controls

Al-Salem Johnson Controls (a joint venture) was ranked among the best Saudi companies to provide ideal working environments for its employees, according to the annual ranking list issued by Team One Consulting.
With a workforce with more than 1,500 employees, the company offers its employees access to more than 300,000 educational materials through their online learning modules, a development center that is connected to over offices in 80 countries around the world as part of its training and development strategy.
The company has also allocated a dedicated local training center facility to provide its employees with multiple courses such as leadership development, not to mention their international assignments that vary between job shadowing in the US and technical training in Europe and Asia.
The company has increased social activities that target its employees to enhance interaction between their families and the local community with a focus on safety and the environment.
Safety is a priority in the company’s business, where many training and workshops are organized to guarantee the safety of all its employees.
In addition, the company did not forget its duties toward the society through its “Blue Sky” initiative that contributed in many businesses that serves within different regions in the Kingdom.
The company achieved this rank in the manufacturing and production category, due to its consistent efforts to offer an ideal working environment.
Working days where reduced to five days a week instead of six days after 25 years.
The company has adopted the minimum salary at SR 3,000 in line with Saudi salaries in the public sector, as the minimum payroll for its Saudi employees. Standards for payrolls and related incentives are as competitive as other international companies working in the Kingdom. Alongside industry standards; housing, transportation allowances, and medical insurance the company also provides Saudi employees with annual air tickets similar to non-Saudis.
The company pays special attention to increasing Saudization and believes in Saudi women’s important role in participating in developing the economy.