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Nothing in Islam prohibits exchanging Christmas greetings, says head of Muslim World League video

Nothing in Islam prohibits exchanging Christmas greetings, says head of Muslim World League

  • Congratulating non-Muslims on their holidays ‘is an apparent interest that serves the reputation of Islam’
By Arab News ·

Special Christians in Saudi Arabia get their Christmas fix in era of religious tolerance video

Christians in Saudi Arabia get their Christmas fix in era of religious tolerance

By Nada Hameed - Rahaf Jambi ·

Special A tale of two Christmases in crisis-stricken Lebanon

A tale of two Christmases in crisis-stricken Lebanon


Special In Jordan, economic stress dampens Christmas holiday mood

In Jordan, economic stress dampens Christmas holiday mood

By Raed Omari ·

Special Cairo embraces Christmas spirit with trees, bazaars and Santa suits

Cairo embraces Christmas spirit with trees, bazaars and Santa suits

By Salma Mohamed ·

Special Where to spend the winter holiday in Saudi Arabia

Where to spend the winter holiday in Saudi Arabia