Campbell soup plans special edition Warhol cans

Campbell soup plans special edition Warhol cans
Updated 09 September 2012

Campbell soup plans special edition Warhol cans

Campbell soup plans special edition Warhol cans

WASHINGTON: Andy Warhol created pop art icons when he put Campbell’s soup cans in paintings in 1962. Fifty years later, the paintings are inspiring the cans, in a limited edition homage to the artist.
To celebrate the anniversary of Warhol’s work, “32 Campbell’s Soup Cans” — which helped launch pop art as a major art movement — the soup company is redesigning the classic red-and-white labels in orange, blue, teal and rose.
The company recalled that Warhol, who died in 1987 at age 58, once said he painted the cans because “I used to have the same [Campbell’s soup] lunch every day for twenty years.”
Campbell Soup is “an iconic brand. And thanks to Andy Warhol’s inspired paintings, Campbell’s soup will always be linked to the Pop Art movement,” Ed Carolan, the company’s North America general manager said in a statement.
The limited edition of Campbell’s Condensed Tomato Soup will have labels derived from Warhol’s original art work, produced under license from the Andy Warhol Foundation, the company said.
A little more than a million of the cans will be available for sale in Target supermarkets in the United States, for $ 0.75 each.