First group of teachers to get Hadaf pay today

First group of teachers
to get Hadaf pay today
Updated 23 September 2012

First group of teachers to get Hadaf pay today

First group of teachers
to get Hadaf pay today

The Human Resource Development Fund (Hadaf) has received data on 10,000 private school teachers out of 30,000 that will help it deposit the funds the government had pledged in order to raise their salaries in accordance with a royal decree.
The decree has stipulated that teachers' salaries start at no less than SR 5,600 a month, of which the government will bear SR 2,500 and schools SR 3,100 over the course of the next five years.
Director General of Hadaf Ibrahim Al-Muaiqil called on private schools that still have not submitted their teacher data to do so before Monday for them to be included in the first group to receive the new increased salaries.
Hadaf will deposit the SR 2,500 in the bank accounts of each registered teacher today, he said, adding that the first group of 10,000 teachers will get more than SR 25 million in total.
Al-Muaiqil said there is high-level coordination with the Ministry of Education, according to which the latter will carry out inspections at all schools to make sure the royal order is implemented.
It was reported earlier that Hadaf and the ministries of Commerce and Industry, Education and Labor are coordinating efforts to impose sanctions on schools that fail to comply with the ministerial decision on the unified contract. The sanctions include revoking licenses and suspending the issuance of work visas.