Jeddah Lanes unseats league leader Zamil Metal

Jeddah Lanes unseats league leader Zamil Metal
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Updated 09 November 2012

Jeddah Lanes unseats league leader Zamil Metal

Jeddah Lanes unseats league leader Zamil Metal

JEDDAH: Going into the homestretch of eliminations host team Jeddah Lanes was right where it wanted to be — in the lead — after nailing a Team of the Week and Bowler of the Week double during the 15th session in the FTBJ-ICBL 30th Conference bowling tournament at Jeddah Lanes in Mossadia Plaza here.
Jeddah Lanes enjoyed a remarkable performance that was rewarded with a towering 50 points and third Team of the Week award overall.
More importantly, Jeddah Lanes gained the upper hand, at least for the week, in its heated battle for supremacy with Al Zamil Metal, which lost the No. 1 spot after it was outscored by Jeddah Lanes on 47 points.
Cristal Global, the winningest team with four Team of the Week accolades under its belt, pooled 39 points in third place on the day followed by D’ Barkads 37, Hidada Ltd. 33 and Al Watan Décor 31.
Akiera Sato Bowlers tallied 28 points with Pin Slashers and Saudi Diyar Consultants tied on 22. Sky Freight-TFC pooled 19 points while Avengers, the previous week honoree, Yanbu Snipers and Kulisap ni Moe were the last three teams to check in on 17, 14 and 5 in that order.
Nick Gozun completed a Jeddah Lanes double when he won the men’s Bowler of the Week awad after shooting a 734, the highest series recorded thus far in this 5-man team Friday afternoon league event.
Paul Allego fired 650 and Marie Gumpal had 609 in support of Gozun with Majed Aslani contributing 238-258 and Igna Salgado making 203.
Jeanette Cerbito added 559 from the distaff side for Jeddah Lanes, which could have reached perfect 52 if not for a third game score of 11 points.
Zamil produced one player to shoot in the region of 700 in Ladio Gonzales who drilled 710 on lines of 232, 217 and 232. Victor Pagayon came through with 652 and Randy Mata tossed in 628 at Zamil with Merlen Pamintuan and Jessica Fuentes on 587 and 521.
Zaldy Bacero was the top scorer at Cristal Global on 691 followed by Ruben Grino 618, Gail Mata 574 and Alma Bacero 558. Danny Pamintuan carded 160-179 while Pancho Cuevas had a valuable 196 to round out the Cristal scoring.
D’ Barkads had Rey Beltran hitting the leading score of 626 that went with the 596 by Cheryl Tibay, 591 by Dan Ednave, 537 by Thess Grandia, 178-222 by Leo Edejer and 215 by Rally Zamora.
To Charrie Guzman of Al Watan Décor went the ladies Bowler of the Week plum afer she posted the high series of 653 in her division on games of 208, 190 and 210. Watan built its total around a single set of five players with Jeff San Pedro on 616, Tariq Sharqawi on 604, Jess Pineda on 546 and Lourdes Punzalan on 542.
Team standings after the 15th week:
1. Jeddah Lanes 531.0 points 2. Al Zamil Metal 529.0 3. Sky Freight-TFC 476.5 4. D’ Barkads 475.5 5. Cristal Global 470.5 6. Hidada Ltd. 457.0 7. Akiera Sato Bowlers 432.5 8. Al Watan Décor 419.5 9. Kulisap ni Moe 380.5 10. Saudi Diyar Consultants 379.0 11. Avengers 371.0 12. Pin Slashers 348.0 13. Yanbu Sniper 190