National Prawn Company backs KAU research drive

National Prawn Company backs KAU research drive
Updated 26 December 2012

National Prawn Company backs KAU research drive

National Prawn Company backs KAU research drive

Professor Osama S. Tayyeb, president of King Abdul Aziz University (KAU), said: "It is an immense pleasure for us to see our youth getting the practical experiences in parallel with their academic studies." He expressed the view on the occasion of inaugurating the expansion and development of the fish farm facility at the Faculty of Marine Sciences in Obhor.
The inauguration for the expansion and development of the fish farm facilities was attended by the University representatives and Ahmed bin Rashid Al-Ballaa, MD of National Prawn Company (NPC).
The delegation toured all farm facilities including the renovated shrimp hatchery, larvae unit, shrimp and fish cultivation ponds and Alga unit, which have been upgraded under the sponsorship of NPC. These facilities provide the students with opportunities to gain practical experience to support their academic studies.
Tayyeb said: "King Abdul Aziz University, especially the Faculty of Marine Sciences, gives a great attention for aquaculture due to the economic revenues it generates to the nation, apart from many job opportunities for our youth in having a promising future. We are very pleased to collaborate with the National Prawn Company that has a pioneering experience in the field of aquaculture.”
Ahmed Al Ballaa said: "Such projects reflect genuine cooperation between the university and the industry, and National Prawn Company is honored to have such opportunity to collaborate with King Abdul Aziz University."
This cooperation between King Abdul Aziz University and National Prawn Company is the fruitful outcome of the success of the Memorandum of Understanding signed in 2006, by Tayyeb being the representative of the University, and Suleiman Al-Rajhi, on behalf of NPC.
The initial objectives to develop aquaculture sector and further find ways for cooperation between the two parties for the training of the national workforce remains valid and being pursued relentlessly. The final result will be the localization of the industry and thereby providing multiple career opportunities for citizens and a contributor to the economy of the country.