Illegal expats avoid work sites

Illegal expats avoid work sites
Updated 09 November 2013

Illegal expats avoid work sites

Illegal expats avoid work sites

Police raids in the capital during the past four days have resulted in the closure of some restaurants, retail outlets workshops and construction sites.
Two months ago in Diraiyah district behind Al-Maarefa College, the roads were dug to lay pipes for water supply by the National Water Company. Since Nov.4, the work site has been causing motorists inconveniences because workers have abandoned work. Nisha, a housewife who lives in the neighborhood, said that eight laborers had been working at the site and now none is to be seen.
A resident living in the Akariya compound said that he is one of those affected by the drive against illegal workers. “The Asian expatriate, who used to come to clean my house on a part-time basis has been missing from Nov. 4,” he said.
Fazly Sameer, an IT consultant, told Arab News that most of the restaurants in the city were closed Friday for want of workers.
“We usually don’t cook on Fridays and get some Middle Eastern food from one of the restaurants nearby. So I went out after Friday prayers to the usual place, but it was closed. Normally you won’t get parking space even 500 yards away,” Sameer said.