Saudi Research & Marketing Group renews cooperation with Kilana

Saudi Research & Marketing Group renews cooperation with Kilana
Updated 19 March 2017

Saudi Research & Marketing Group renews cooperation with Kilana

Saudi Research & Marketing Group renews cooperation with Kilana

RIYADH: The Saudi Research & Marketing Group (SRMG) has renewed its cooperation agreement with the Prince Fahd Bin Salman Charity Association for Renal Failure Patients Care (Kilana).
The agreement aims to maintain the fruitful cooperation between both parties, which includes the group’s support for Kilana’s media goals.
Kilana aims to provide the best health and social services to patients with renal failure in Saudi Arabia. The media message serves as an important tool to spread awareness of the association’s goals and services, as well as the issue of renal failure, its causes, prevention and adapting to it.
As a part of the agreement, SRMG aims to promote the association’s news and programs, helping raise the income of the charity.
Prince Abdulaziz bin Salman, supervisor of Kilana, said the renewal of the cooperation agreement would help promote the objectives of the association. He explained that the media support provided by SRMG would contribute to stressing its mission to the patients who benefit from its humanitarian services.
Prince Badr bin Abdullah bin Mohammed bin Farhan Al-Saud, chairman of SRMG, said that the group has been a big supporter of Kilana since its establishment. He noted that SRMG will continue to support the association’s message, and deliver it to the public to raise awareness of the risks of this disease.