‘Look at me when I’m talking to you:’ Russian diplomat loses temper at UN

‘Look at me when I’m talking to you:’ Russian diplomat loses temper at UN
Russian Deputy Ambassador to the United Nations Vladimir Safronkov lost his temper at the UNSC on Wednesday April 12. (Reuters)
Updated 14 April 2017

‘Look at me when I’m talking to you:’ Russian diplomat loses temper at UN

‘Look at me when I’m talking to you:’ Russian diplomat loses temper at UN

DUBAI: A video of Russia’s Deputy Ambassador to the UN Vladimir Safronkov furiously reprimanding a British diplomat on Wednesday is making headlines.
During a discussion on Syria at the UN Security Council, Deputy Ambassador Vladimir Safronkov snapped at British envoy Matthew Rycroft, saying: “Look at me while I’m talking to you.”
The outburst came ahead of a vote on a Syria resolution which Russia vetoed.
“His [Rycroft’s] address shows only that he intends to hamper [UN Syria special envoy Staffan] De Mistura’s efforts to resolve the crisis, and to bring confrontation and enmity to the Security Council,” said Safronkov.
“You lose sleep over the fact that we might work together with the US. You are scared, and you do everything to undermine it.
“Don’t turn away your eyes! Look at me! Why are you averting your eyes?” added the Russian diplomat.
News website RT reported that the Russian diplomat used the familiar form of the word “you,” usually reserved for talking to friends and children not for addressing senior international public servants.