Yemeni Information Minister says Houthis hiding in food stores, civilian sites in Hodeidah

Yemeni Information Minister says Houthis hiding in food stores, civilian sites in Hodeidah
Houthi militias are hiding in the warehouses of the UNICEF and the World Food Program in Al-Hammadi district of Hodeidah. (File/AFP)
Updated 14 September 2018

Yemeni Information Minister says Houthis hiding in food stores, civilian sites in Hodeidah

Yemeni Information Minister says Houthis hiding in food stores, civilian sites in Hodeidah

Yemen’s Information Minister Muammar Al-Iryani said on Thursday that Houthi militias are hiding in the warehouses of the UNICEF and the World Food Program in Al-Hammadi district of Hodeidah.
Al-Iryani said in a statement quoted by the Yemeni official news agency that the militias of the Houthis began to use these areas after the fighting intensified with the Yemeni National Army in Hodeidah.
“The militias know that coalition fighters do not bombard protected areas,” he said, pointing out that this shows the Houthis desperate attempts on the battlefields by using civilian sites, including sites of international relief organizations.