JEDDAH: Cakes are usually a must for celebrations and adding an individualized touch makes them special.
This is the approach of Lama Ajeenah, who has received a design award for her work. The A design award is considered to be the most prestigious honors in the world.
Ajeenah was approached by her sister, founder of lalinacakery, who is a self-taught baker and can be found on Instagram and YouTube. She asked Lama to design cake toppers for the cakes she made. At first, she was unsure between designing typographic artwork, her passion from the beginning, and the challenge of dedicating time and effort to cake toppings. Her sister began introducing Lama as a cake topper designer.
Ajeenah was skilled before becoming involved in cake toppers. She had taken a course in Arabic calligraphy, which helped her pay extra attention to details. “I also taught typography at Dar Al-Hekma University, which has updated my knowledge and improved my skills. I also took courses in entrepreneurship for designers to manage my work.”
“It was not easy in the beginning because I had to handle everything from scratch, coming up with concepts for various events, designing the toppers, to community management, and finally execution.”
“The support of my family, especially my sister Lina, made the process smoother.”
Lama’s journey was not easy. “I face new challenges from dealing with clients, meeting deadlines and managing social media. The main obstacle, however, is dealing with vendors while maintaining the quality of the designs. As the designs are constantly changing, there is always the challenge of keeping them well constructed.”
Startup of the Week: Giving an aesthetic touch to cakes
Startup of the Week: Giving an aesthetic touch to cakes

- The main obstacle, however, is dealing with vendors while maintaining the quality of the designs