UN chief rejects claim he didn’t condemn China over Muslims

UN chief rejects claim he didn’t condemn China over Muslims
Secretary-General of the United Nations Antonio Guterres said during a visit to China in April he raised the issue publicly. (File/Reuters)
Updated 19 September 2019

UN chief rejects claim he didn’t condemn China over Muslims

UN chief rejects claim he didn’t condemn China over Muslims
  • He said he has been persistent about the issue
  • “It is absolutely not true that I’ve only done discreet diplomacy,” he said

UNITED NATIONS: United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres is strongly rejecting claims by five human rights groups that he hasn’t condemned the Chinese government’s detention of more than a million Muslims in the Xinjiang region, saying he has spoken out forcefully.
He said Wednesday: “I don’t think anyone has been more persistent and more clear in talking to the Chinese authorities in relation to this issue than myself.”
He added: “It is absolutely not true that I’ve only done discreet diplomacy.”
On the contrary, he said during a visit to China in April he raised the issue publicly.
The five rights group said in a letter to Guterres circulated Tuesday that he would make a contribution by speaking out and calling for the immediate closure of detention camps for Muslims.