MCB calls on Hague to condemn attack

Publication Date: 
Tue, 2010-06-01 00:30

There are currently unconfirmed reports that 19 people have been killed and many injured in the flotilla in international waters. The fate of 28 British people who joined the peaceful convoy is also unclear. The flotilla was an international attempt to bring aid to the blockaded population of Gaza.
Dr. Muhammad Abdul Bari, the secretary-general, said: "The attack and killing of peaceful aid workers is reprehensible. This underlines Israel's flagrant disregard for international law that continues without any real censure. It is unfortunate that while some of our European partners have already withdrawn their ambassadors from Israel in protest of this killing, our government has yet to react to Israel's flouting of international law. We urge our Foreign Secretary to join the international community and condemn this savage act."
The Muslim Council of Britain will be writing to the foreign secretary and urge leadership in this matter.
The Muslim Council of Britain is the UK's largest Muslim umbrella body with around 500 affiliated national, regional and local organizations, mosques, charities and schools.

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