In fact, there is no such service to speak of that justifies such a charge! I think all people who were forced to pay the charge before have the right to ask for their money back.
I will salute the SCTA again if it decides to use the power of law to cancel this charge. Despite the directives of the commission, a number of hotels and furnished apartments are still sucking the blood of their customers through this service charge. They are like hungry mosquitoes who will never be satisfied.
These charges are actually contagious and adopted by many sectors. Among the most bizarre service charges is the one imposed by Saudi Arabian Airlines (Saudia) “which is ever proud to serve us” despite slapping customers with a service charge to cover high fuel prices.
It is a known fact that our beloved airline buys its fuel from our government at prices that are almost unheard of.
I do not think it pays more than a quarter of the price its competitors pay. It is true that Saudia might be obliged to buy fuel from far away airports such as New York and Kuala Lumpur, but these purchases are very rare.
Hospitals are not also far from this wonderful invention called “the service charge.” Some prices of goods are exactly like charges. For instance, they sell a piece of cotton for SR30 and a Panadol pill for SR5.
The private schools are also imposing service charges on their students. They will ask them to buy new uniforms at prices that are very high compared to their actual price in the market. The students have to buy from the school otherwise they may be in trouble.
The soap opera of the “service charge” continues. Students are asked to pay for the graduation ceremony. Even children in kindergartens are asked to pay hundreds of riyals for their graduation and treated as if they have just completed their Ph.D.s!
Such charges that are meant to empty our pockets must be regulated. We are already burdened by many other expenses. We do not need to be burdened further by what is called “the service charge.”
([email protected])