Coin company finds 5-ton stash of mint 'Ike' coins

Publication Date: 
Wed, 2011-12-07 23:28

The two-pound ($3.20) uncirculated collectible coin will be available via the Royal Mint’s website for a price of 8.50 pounds ($13) starting this week, officials said.
Coins designed for circulation will be available early next year to mark Dickens’ birthday. The celebrated Victorian novelist was born two centuries ago on Feb. 7, 1812.
The design released Tuesday shows a portrait by artist Matthew Dent that uses titles like “David Copperfield” and “A Christmas Carol” to form a silhouette of Dickens’ face.
“I wanted the design of the coin to reference both the immense contribution Dickens has made to British literature and his iconic portrait,” Dent said.
The portrait is based on a bust of the author on display at the Charles Dickens Museum in London.
The edge of the coin is inscribed with the quotation “Something will turn up,” associated with the ever-optimistic Wilkins Micawber character in “David Copperfield.”

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