“Meo is also recognized as an outstanding faculty member and has implemented a string of innovations to the teaching of medical science, especially respiratory physiology,” said Dr. Javid Akhtar, a KSU professor, while speaking at a brief felicitation ceremony at the local Marhaba Restaurant here on Thursday.
Meo is highly respected and renowned in government and academic circles all over the world, especially in Pakistan and Saudi Arabia, for his contributions to research projects and his orientation to promote medical science, education and research in the Muslim world. His areas of interest in research are respiratory physiology, diabetes mellitus and medical education.
He has also served as an editorial board member of the Saudi Medical Journal.
Meo, who is credited with the publication of 65 scientific papers in peer reviewed national/international bio-medical journals, is currently the associate editor of the International Journal of Diabetes Mellitus (IJDM), which is a major publication that features scientific articles and reviews in the field of diabetes mellitus.
Meo’s scientific papers have been warmly received in Bahrain, the United Arab Emirates, Pakistan, China, Turkey, the United Kingdom and the United States. He was recently invited as a keynote speaker at the 2nd World Congress on Diabetes and Metabolism in Philadelphia.
Meo has been associated with KSU for the past 10 years and is currently a professor and consultant in clinical physiology in the College of Medicine. In addition to receiving Fellowship of Royal College of Physicians (FRCP) of London, Glasgow, Edinburgh and Dublin, he also obtained a higher postgraduate degree in medical education from University of Dundee, Scotland.
“Achieving such respectable and unique academic honors is rare in the field of medical science,” said Dr. Akhtar. On his career achievements, Meo said he gives credit mainly to KSU, his family and parents back home and to his early education in Pakistan.
According to Meo, the Riyadh-based university has been constantly improving and contributing to research and development projects in various fields. The university has been playing a major role in improving the quality of research and productivity in terms of end results.
“I am indeed privileged to work in this institution with faculty of international repute,” said Meo while adding that the university’s administration understands and recognizes the importance of scientific research, extends all support to research endeavors by increasing funding, and encourages faculty as well as students to engage in research projects more intensively.
He pointed out that KSU remains the Islamic world’s leading university on the Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU), commonly known as the Shanghai ranking.
The annual ranking, published in mid-August, listed KSU ahead of powerful contenders such as the universities of Istanbul, Tehran, Cairo and Malaya in Malaysia. In the latest ARWU rankings, KSU placed among the best 300 universities in the world, at No. 261, a standing never achieved by an Arab university.