Japanese Consul-General Jun Yoshida estimated the size of Japanese oil imports from Saudi at $ 48.2 billion, while Japanese exports to the Kingdom amounted to $8.4 billion in automobile, in addition to electrical machinery.
Yoshida’s statement came last Tuesday as Japan celebrated its national celebration ceremony held in Jeddah.
“The history of interaction between Japan and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia goes back to the beginning of the 20th century. Diplomatic relations go as far back as 1955. Since then, the public and private sectors of both countries have nurtured friendly ties. A good relationship between the Japanese imperial family and the Saudi royal family is at the core of the two countries agenda,” said Jun Yoshida.
“The Japanese government and national companies have extended opportunities to Saudi citizens to study in Japan. In addition, more than 400 Saudi students are studying in Japan under the King Abdullah Scholarship Program. This figure is not significant when compared to the number studying in the US and Europe, but I sincerely trust that those Saudi male and female students shall serve as a firm bridge connecting Japan and the Kingdom for deeper mutual understanding between the two people.”
Consul-General Jun Yoshida said that ministers from both Saudi and Japan have recently exchanged frequent visits for political and economical discussions.
“We have consolidated a bilateral bond through widening the realm of cooperation in fields such as water, renewable energy, industry diversification, vocational training and youth exchange.”
“The Kingdom is now pushing forward with the Saudization policy. Vocational education is essential for its success. Japan has been cooperating vocational training in line with Saudi policy,” said Jun Yoshida.
Yoshida alluded to the Saudi Japanese Automobile High Institute (SJAHI) located near Jeddah, which have sought the expertise of Japanese workers for the past ten years in training young Saudi men the skills and techniques required for car maintenance.
“The more than 1800 young men who have graduated from SJAHI are highly appreciated within the Saudi labor market,” said Consul-General Jun Yoshida.
Oil exports to Japan hit $ 48.2 bn
Oil exports to Japan hit $ 48.2 bn