Savola Group Managing Director Abdulraouf M. Mannaa has said the group successfully held its EGM recently at Savola headquarters, after satisfying the legal quorum for the EGM as per the company’s Article of Association (AOA).
The voting results: The EGM approved the proposed amendment to the company's bylaws by amending paragraph 1 of Article 15 to read as follows: The company may issue any type of tradable debt instruments such as bonds or sukuk whether within or outside Saudi Arabia in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations, and the General Assembly (GA) has the right, pursuant to a resolution issued by it, to delegate to the board the authority to issue such debt instruments, including bonds or sukuk through one or more tranches or a series of issues under one or more programs as established by the board from time to time based on the times, terms and amounts determined by the board.
The board shall have the power and authority to take all the necessary actions to issue these debt instruments, with 99.99 percent of the total present and represented votes.
The EGM approved the issuance of tradable debt instruments such as bonds or sukuk by the company through one or more tranches or a series of issues under one or more programs based on the times, terms and amounts determined by the board whether within or outside Saudi Arabia, provided that its total outstanding value do not exceed, at any time, the company's paid-up capital, and to delegate to the board the authority to issue such instruments without reverting to the GA and that the board is entitled to take all necessary procedures and actions for the issuance of such instruments, including obtaining the necessary regulatory approvals, and that the board is authorized to delegate some or all of these powers and authorities to other persons and enable them to delegate others, with 99.90 percent of the total present and represented votes.
Savola Group EGM approves sukuk issuance
Savola Group EGM approves sukuk issuance