Mayor Bill de Blasio

In this file photo a view of the lower Manhattan skyline is seen from the Staten Island Ferry as a seagull flies by on January 04, 2021 in New York City. New York City will terminate its contracts with the Trump Organization following last week's violent rampage at the US Capitol, Mayor Bill de Blasio said on January 13, 2021. (AFP / Angela Weiss)

New York City to terminate Trump contracts after Capitol insurrection

  • Trump Organization earns $17 million a year in profits from running two ice skating rinks and a carousel in Central Park and a golf course in the Bronx
  • The PGA Championship is also moving away from Trump's New Jersey golf course next year
By AP ·

Update Motorist slams car into Times Square pedestrians, killing one, injuring 22

Motorist slams car into Times Square pedestrians, killing one, injuring 22

By Daniel Trotta and Jonathan Allen | Reuters ·