
Ministry of Hajj organizes ‘Khitamuhu Misk’ ceremony in Makkah

Ministry of Hajj organizes ‘Khitamuhu Misk’ ceremony in Makkah

  • Tawfiq Al-Rabiah: This success was achieved by the grace of Allah, followed by the support and guidance of King Salman, and the diligent follow-up by Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman
By Arab News ·

Analysis The amount of tech integrated into Hajj has been growing year on year. (SPA) photos

Could AI one day perform all of Hajj social services?

By Haifa Alshammari ·

Pilgrimage may strengthen family bonds as many perform Hajj with relatives, creating shared memories. (AN photo by Huda Bashatah photos

Hajj: An odyssey of faith and personal growth

By Tareq Al-Thaqafi ·

Hajj pilgrims begin final rituals before returning home video

Hajj pilgrims begin final rituals before returning home


SalaamVR allows injured and hospitalized pilgrims the chance to experience a virtual Makkah. (SyncVR)

Seeing is believing for these virtual pilgrims

By Nada Alturki ·