On a basis of an educational, national and humanitarian role, the Saudi cultural attache in the United Arab Emirates has organized a week of art to support mentally and physically challenged children. This event is a cooperation of efforts between Saudi Arabia and UAE and it reflects the strong cultural partnership between the two countries. The art event is the first of its kind in UAE, taking place in Dubai Mall which is one of the most popular spots in the city.
Arab News had a brief interview with Souad Belakhdar, the manager of “Creators Studio” in Jeddah on a conversation about the concept and dimensions which the event is aiming for. She said: “The role of children with special needs must be activated in the community according to their potentials and various abilities, no matter how small or simple. Organizing such events stimulate their efforts and motivate them to bring out their best contribution to the community, and our role as rehabilitating society is to provide the support and care for this category.”
The Saudi-Emirati Art Week is taking place from Dec. 17 to 21 and embraces 60 paintings by children with special needs from Saudi Arabia and UAE.
Art Week held in Dubai for children with special needs
Art Week held in Dubai for children with special needs