Saudi man divorces wife for driving

Saudi man divorces wife for driving
Updated 14 May 2014

Saudi man divorces wife for driving

Saudi man divorces wife for driving

A Saudi man reportedly divorced his wife for allegedly driving his car in violation of the Kingdom’s regulations, reported on Tuesday.
The divorce was extensively discussed on various social media platforms, with many expressing support with the husband and others disagreeing with his decision.
The story also raised the issue of women’s right to drive in the Kingdom. “There is no ban against women driving in Islam; then why are they not allowed to drive in the Kingdom,” asked one blogger. “It’s quite strange that women are not allowed to drive but can travel with foreign drivers,” another said.
Meanwhile another blogger, who introduced himself as Tarek, explained the husband’s decision, asserting, “His wife not only drove the car but also took video of her driving and published it through YouTube without her husband’s knowledge or permission,” he pointed out.
Another Saudi man, who opposed women driving, said the man has every right to divorce his wife if she does not follow his views. “I don’t like women driving except during an emergency, when their fathers or brothers are sick,” said another Saudi. He feared women driving would create more morality issues.