Pakistan, India are on brink of war — Foreign Minister 

Pakistan, India are on brink of war — Foreign Minister 
Foreign Minister Makhdoom Shah Mahmood Qureshi addressing the public gathering at Rangeel Pur on September 15, 2019. (APP)
Updated 16 September 2019

Pakistan, India are on brink of war — Foreign Minister 

Pakistan, India are on brink of war — Foreign Minister 
  • Urges the international community to respond to the crisis in Kashmir
  • PM Khan to highlight the situation at the United Nations General Assembly next week

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi said on Sunday that nuclear-capable Pakistan and India were standing on the brink of war after tensions heightened in Indian administered Kashmir post New Delhi’s August 5 constitutional amendment.
Speaking at a rally in Multan on Sunday, Qureshi said that Pakistan was using all diplomatic channels to highlight the situation in Indian-administered Kashmir, calling on the international community to respond to the crisis and take cognizance of the situation in Indian administered Jammu and Kashmir.
He warned that in case of a war, not only the region but the entire world would be bearing the brunt of the crisis.
Qureshi reiterated that Pakistan was determined to fight for the cause of Kashmiris all over the world, before challenging Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi to address a public gathering in Indian-administered Kashmir to gauge their views. “I challenge Modi to come to Jammu and Kashmir and seek support from people of his initiative,” he said.
On August 5, India revoked the special status accorded to Jammu and Kashmir under Article 370, placing the area under a complete lock-down thereafter.
Islamabad has been extremely critical of the restrictions imposed, with Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan addressing a public rally in Muzaffarabad – the capital city of Azad Kashmir – on September 13.
He is scheduled to address the United Nations’ General Assembly on September 27, where he has pledged to speak for the rights of Kashmiris.
Pakistan in recent weeks had also called for an international investigation into the situation in the valley.